Admissions Matters
Megan Meyer,
Founder & Principal

As an educational consultant specializing in Preschool and K - 12 private school admissions, Megan Meyer, Founder of Admission Matters, combines her professional expertise with a deep knowledge of Hawai'i's unique private school landscape.
She shares her passionate commitment to help families and students in their search to find the perfect school environment for each child to thrive - not just academically, but also socially, emotionally, and in the development of character and individual passions, talents, and interests.
Megan has over 20 years of experience working in private and independent school admissions in Hawai'i and in California. Raised in Honolulu, an independent school graduate and an independent school parent, Megan knows the private school admissions process inside and out.
As a seasoned admissions professional and independent school educator, Megan understands the culture of Hawai'i's diverse independent and private school choices. She works closely with families to help identify schools and learning environments that are a good fit for each student. In her role as an Admission Director in Hawai'i, she developed strong partnerships with admissions professionals and educational leaders in a wide array of schools throughout the islands, including private, public, and charter schools.
Megan founded Admissions Matters to guide families in Hawai'i through the private school admissions and school selection process. With her insider's perspective, genuine care for students, and a welcoming, professional approach, Megan partners with families and students to offer personalized, targeted guidance through every step of the admissions journey. Admissions Matters is here to help with everything from navigating the multifaceted steps of the application process and defining personalized timelines, to creating a curated list of prospective schools well-suited for each family and student.
As a seasoned admissions professional and former Director of Admissions, I created Admissions Matters to support families and students, those in Hawai'i and those relocating to the islands from the mainland and around the world, with the private school admissions process. With my background as an admissions professional and independent school educator, my goal is to help families feel empowered and less overwhelmed with the admissions process and to match them with schools that are a good fit. Through my personal and professional experience, I know how wonderful it is when students find that special learning environment where they feel accepted, are supported to become the best version of themselves, and are able to continue their journey to discover their passions and to reach their potential.
~ Megan Meyer
20+ years in private school admissions & education
Director of Admission & Financial Aid
La Pietra-Hawai'i School for Girls (HI)
Director of Admission
Island Pacific Academy (HI)
Associate Director of Admission
Viewpoint School (CA)
Master's Degree in English & Education
Independent School Graduate (Punahou) & Parent of an Independent School Student (HI)